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22nd European Cosmic Ray Symposium in Turku, Finland

3 - 6 August 2010

Pre-registered participants

Mr Artem Abunin    IZMIRAN, Russian Federation
Mrs Natalia Agafonova    Institute for Nuclear Research RAS, Russian Federation
Felix Aharonian    DIAS, Ireland
Dr Amjad Al-Sawad    University of Turku, Finland
Prof Michael Alania    University of Podlasie, Poland
Mr Francesco Allegrini    Technical University of Tallinn, Estonia
Dr Susan Ames    Oxford Astrophysics, United Kingdom
Mr Nikolay Ampilogov    National Research Nuclear University MEPhI/Scientific and Educational Center NEVOD, Russian Federation
Mr Malimbayev Andrey    Institute of Ionosphere, Kazakhstan
Dr Sofia Andringa    LIP, Portugal
Ms Maria Andriopoulou    National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
Prof Ivan Anicin    Institute of Physics, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro
Mr Stefan Artmann    Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany
Ms Eleanna Asvestari    National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
Dr Luca Baldini    INFN-Pisa, Italy
Ms Natalia Barbashina    National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Russian Federation
Dr Monmoyuri Baruah    Don Bosco College Of Engineering and Technology/ Don Bosco University, India
Mr Markus Battarbee    University of Turku, Finland
Dr Yury Bazhutov    Pushkov Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radiowave Propagat, Russian Federation
Prof Galina Bazilevskaya    Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Federation

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Total of 308 pre-registered participants.

More detailed list available at detailed list (password required).

List of countries available at country list.

Turku 20011 Turku 2011,
Capital of
Space Research Laboratory, Department of Physics and Astronomy
FI-20014 University of Turku, Finland
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