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22nd European Cosmic Ray Symposium in Turku, Finland

3 - 6 August 2010

Symposium program

Scientific program will be arranged in scientific session:

1.  Solar and heliospheric cosmic rays (conveners B. Heber, R. Vainio)
2.  CRs at Earth and planets (S. McKenna-Lawlor, I. Usoskin)
3.  Space and balloon-borne CR experiments (G.A. Bazilevskaya, E. Valtonen)
4.  HE/UHE CR and neutrino experiments (K. Kampert, T. Suomijärvi)
5.  HE/UHE CR theory (R. Schlickeiser, R.Vainio)
6.  HE/UHE gamma-rays (F. Aharonian, J. Poutanen)
7.  In memorial of Vernov (M. Panasuyk)
8.  Historical overview (only invited talks)
A.  History of Cosmic Ray research and High-energy Astronomy in Finland (E. Valtonen)
B.  Development of HE measurement techniques (F. Aharonian, A. Lagutin)

The program will be arranged in two parallel streams of OG+HE and SH+TP. Invited and solicited talks will be given in Plenary Sessions in the morning and afternoon of each day. There will be two sessions every day.

Download the Program of the Symposium. 

Turku 20011 Turku 2011,
Capital of
Space Research Laboratory, Department of Physics and Astronomy
FI-20014 University of Turku, Finland
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