Your presentations can be published in a special issue of the online-journal ASTRA.
The first four pages are free (invited talks six pages). The manuscript will undergo
the usual rigorous double blind refereeing process of ASTRA and published shortly after acceptance.
The deadline for submission is November 15, 2010.
The manuscript shall be registered using the online form:
to get an identification number of the manuscript and, if not yet registered, a username
and password. After receiving the manuscript registration via email it can be uploaded through the web interface:
For the first submission authors shall take out their names, their affiliation and the
acknowledgements to guarantee the double blind refereeing process. For the first submission
any style files are welcome, but it is helpful to use the 12 point Times Roman font with a
single spacing. For the final submission the manuscripts should be prepared by the author(s)
according to the style files found in:
for LaTeX:
for MS WORD:
LaTeX-files are preferred.
You can find more information about ASTRA on our home page:
Manuscript can be longer than four (six) pages. The additional pages will, then, be charged
to the first author. For details see:
Have an interesting conference,
the main editors of ASTRA
Klaus Scherer and Horst Fichtner